
The AIAA Survivability Award

Here are the recipients of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Survivability Award.  This award is presented to individuals in the survivability community who have made significant contributions to the advancement of the discipline.  This award is presented every two years during an AIAA awards banquet
  1994 Mr. Dale B. Atkinson 1996 Dr. Robert E. Ball
For pioneering efforts in establishing survivability as a recognized design discipline. For pioneering efforts in establishing survivability as a design discipline through development of the survivability textbook and educational courses and by providing leadership for this area.
1998 Mr. Nikolaos Caravasos 2000 Mr. D. Jerry Wallick
In recognition for his work as a pioneer and 30-year veteran of design and implementation of survivability improvements to fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft. For pioneering efforts in the development of survivability as a design discipline, including aircraft battle damage repair, and their application to the A-10 and other combat designs.
2002 Mr. Michael Meyers 2004 Mr. Larry Eusanio
For long–standing leadership in survivability analysis, ballistic testing, and hardening that led to reduced losses for US tactical aircraft. In recognition of his analytical efforts and program leadership that have improved the survivability of many U.S. military aircraft currently in the defense inventory or in the acquisition process.
For pioneering efforts in survivability including the design of the UH-60A Blackhawk helicopter, establishment of SURVIAC, and the founding and management of the SURVICE Engineering Company. For exceptional contributions as a visionary and leader in the development of integrated survivability assessment, modeling and simulation verification, validation accreditation processes and practices.
For exceptional contributions during a longstanding career performing and promoting both nuclear and non-nuclear aircraft survivability design and enhancement.

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